
What if...

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Literature Text

What if…

… The world has ended … all the fruit bearing trees, all the tall grass swaying in the breeze, all the oceans vast in immense quantity, that once teemed with life is now gone… The only thing that decorated the scenery is a vast wasteland that stretched on for miles. And nothing but the charred remains of Man's mighty cities filled with the corpses of their former occupants.

And shells countless shells litter the ground and gleamed from the light of our precious sun. Will soon be blocked by the choking smog of burning buildings.

It is the beginning of the Nuclear Holocaust; nuclear fire consumed the earth taking away what we now of our world. And it's oceans and forest before it is now destroyed and polluted by Man's industries for pointless needs and selfish consumerism.

The once shining jewel of life and human intelligence is now nothing more than a barren rock. Forever silenced from Man's words that once spanned over thousands.

Man's once mighty monuments that resembled human achievement is nothing more than a grim reminder of a once proud race. And Man's governments that once ruled its people had failed them through greed and corruption. And is still being remembered from posters, magazines, newspapers and books thoroughly preserved along side with Man's history awaiting to be read by future generations that is not our own…  

As trees prepare their final slumber Man's temples and cathedrals still stood from the ashes and rubble, in them their sacred text survived. They spoke of the promise of salvation and eternal life is now an empty promise and its stories on how humanity was created are but a vague truth. And the remains of their faithful scattered around the floor clutching to the hands of the their loved ones… praying with all their heart begging to be saved…

As the Nuclear Winter gently blanketed the earth a lone figure stands searching for food and shelter.
So this is my first deviation a short story involving the nuclear holocaust. Please take note on my grammatical errors and other things. And also give me some constructive criticism.


I was suppose to submit this piece for my schools contest that I should make short stories, essays' and poems. But due to foreseen circumstances I may be unable to submit this on time so here and enjoy.
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